Switch up your routine with herbal infused coffee.
You can boost your morning ritual and support focus, energy, immunity and more -all with your choice of coffee! Tieraona Low Dog, MD, is one of the nation's leading experts in botanicals. She is also a mentor in integrative medicine to GLIM practitioner Maureen Miltoa, APRN, NP-C.

Using whole plants provides the full health benefits!
Dr. Low Dog is the founder of Wildcrafter Botanicals, which provides a selection of herbal coffee blends. The fair trade organic coffee is infused with a variety of whole herbs that are sustainably harvested and tested. Using whole plants provides the full health benefits! As an added bonus, Wildcrafter Botanicals supports women and community-owned farms that sustainably produce all of the product.
If you are interested in learning more of purchasing a Wildcrafter Botanicals coffee blend, you can visit their site at https://wildcrafter.com/.
Your health journey doesn't need to be dramatic.